Saxon Poppy Seed Cake

Try this delicious cake recipe: For the crumble, melt the fat, pour over the rest of the ingredients, mix with a mixer until lumps form, and pick them evenly with your hands. Dust with a little flour. Put all ingredients for the yeast dough into a wide bowl and knead with a mixer for 5 … Read more

Orange Rhubarb Cake with Meringue Topping

A great cake recipe for any occasion: First, make the shortcrust pastry. To do this, grate the fat into the flour and add enough cold water to make a smooth dough that comes away from the sides of the bowl. Place the shortcrust pastry in a freezer bag in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to … Read more

Risotto Mantovano

Remove the skin from the sausages and fry them in a large frying pan with the olive oil. While frying, crush the sausages with a fork. After about three minutes, remove half of the sausage meat from the frying pan and set aside. Add the long grain rice to the sausage meat in the frying … Read more

Ghorme Sabsi

Polo (Iranian name for cooked long grain rice): at the beginning, soak the long grain rice in tap water for about half an hour, then drain. In a saucepan, bring salted water to a boil, add the long-grain rice and half-stew. Pour into a sieve. Dissolve a little butter in the saucepan, add the half-cooked … Read more

Simple Potato Salad

For the potato salad, boil the washed potatoes in water for 25 minutes to cover until soft, rinse in cold water, peel. Peel and finely dice the onion. Sprinkle with the 1/4 tsp salt and let rest until the potatoes are cooked. Heat the soup, mix in the vinegar, mustard and sugar. Cut the potatoes … Read more

Goat Cheese with Thyme and Honey Baked in Filo Dough

Mix the goat cheese with honey and a few thyme leaves and season strongly with salt and freshly ground pepper. Brush the filo dough with melted butter, place the goat cheese on top, wrap it into a parcel and brush the outside with butter as well. Place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper … Read more

Festive Raw Food

An asparagus recipe for gourmets: On the bottom of a 12 cm deep glass bowl, place 2 tbsp each of sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and flax seeds, 1 tbsp amaranth. These ingredients are previously washed hot and subsequently placed in a 3-min ascorbic bath. In the same way, put 2 tablespoons of Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, … Read more

Tea Trough

Stick the clove on the white edge of the slice of a lemon. This together with the rock candy in a preheated glass form, fill up with hot tea only so far that there is still enough space for the rum. Carefully pour the alcohol over it with a spoon and stir only at the … Read more

California Roll with Salmon

For the California roll, cut avocado in half, remove pit and peel. The flesh should remain compact. Cut into strips (diameter approx. 1 cm). Cut the salmon with a sharp knife into slices about 1.5 wide. Length is relatively unimportant, as they are placed one after the other on the rice. Cut the nori sheets … Read more

Minestrone Verdura

A little tip: If you don’t have time to soak the borlotti beans for 12 hours, you can also use canned beans. I have so far always taken beans from the can. Soak the beans covered by water for 12 hours. Put the beans in 1.5 l of water at low temperature for half an … Read more