Apple Snake

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (23 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 10.0 (servings)



For the apple snakes, pass the crumbled curd through a fine sieve and prepare a dough with flour, butter, egg yolk and a pinch of salt.

Leave to rest for an hour, roll out thinly in the shape of a baking tray, fold together twice and roll out again. Repeat the process twice more.

Cut in the middle so that there are 2 pieces of snake. Sprinkle each piece in the center with gingerbread crumbs. Top with sliced apples drizzled with lemon juice and mixed with orange zest and vanilla pulp.

Fold the dough left and right towards the center overlapping 2-3 cm and press lightly. Place on the baking tray with the seam facing upwards, brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with flaked almonds.

Bake at 180 °C top/bottom heat, second rack height.

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