Apricot Tartlet

Rating: 2.83 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)



Defrost dough sheets against each other, place on top of each other and roll out on a lightly floured surface to a rectangle of about 30 x 40 cm (about 2 mm thick). Cut 8 small rectangles from it, wrap all 4 edges and press smooth.

Mix the egg and brush it on the puff pastry. Bake in a heated oven at 200 degrees, fan 180 degrees, gas mark 4 for about 14 minutes until golden brown.

Drain the apricot halves in a sieve and cut into thin slices. Distribute the apricot slices evenly on the small rectangles like a fan. Heat the jam briefly in a small saucepan and spread over the apricot slices.

Grill the tartlets under the heated broiler for about 3-5 min. Whip the cream and vanilla sugar until stiff and fold in the vanilla yogurt. Sprinkle the peach tarts with powdered sugar and serve with the vanilla cream.

Nutritional values per unit approx. 260 Kcal, 19 g fat : Menu suggestion:

Tip: Use creamy natural yogurt for an even finer result!

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