Arugula, Arugula, Arugula

Rating: 3.60 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (Portionen)



The different names of the common variety ‘Eruca vesicaria ssp. Sativa, Brassicaceae = Cruciferous’ are: Ital. ‘rocket’, German ‘Rucola’, ‘Senfrauke’, ‘Ölrauke’, English ‘rocket’, French. ‘roquette’.

The rocket is an ancient cultivated plant, it was already known in ancient Greece. In the Middle Ages it was valued as a digestive and diuretic.

The arugula is widespread throughout the Mediterranean and as far as Afghanistan. In our country it is less often found, although it can be easily cultivated. It is mainly the cultivated arugula (Eruca sativa) that is planted, but since this white-flowered plant does not have such a pronounced flavor as the yellow-flowered arugula vesicaria or selvatica (or wild arugula), the latter variety is planted more and more often. You can distinguish the two varieties in the following way: if the leaf is wonderfully smooth, then it is certainly a ‘cultivata’. The leaf of the ‘wild’ is more fleshy and darker in color.

the rocket belongs to the so-called salad herbs: you can not really classify them, because they are neither real aromatic herbs nor clear leafy vegetables. They form mixed leaf salad a special note or captivate as a single salad: the arugula, however, is not very suitable as a single ingredient because of their strong taste.

The young leaves are used until flowering. The leaves should be processed fresh. Arugula is taken either as a seasoning ingredient or alone: d

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