Asparagus Ragout

Rating: 4.50 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Rinse the sprouts and remove the peel (for the green ones only the lower third!).

Cover the shells with a little water and gently wilt at low temperature in about 20 min. Cut the shoots into pieces, put the heads separately. Strain the cooked asparagus broth, and add the liquid with mineral water to just under half a liter. Add half of the vegetable soup and half of the butter, as well as the asparagus pieces. Cook everything together for 8 minutes. Add the asparagus heads and cook gently for another 2 min. Next, lift the vegetables out of the clear soup with a slotted spoon, place in a baking dish with the lid closed and warm in the oven at a few degrees. Simmer the clear soup so that about a generous eighth of a l remains. Cut the spring onions (save the green ones) into wide pieces, fry them in a little bit of butter, roast the peeled peanuts, from which the skin has been removed, for 3-4 minutes, season with salt. Mix the gruel with water and whisk it into the asparagus broth, add the rest of the vegetable soup and cook for 2-3 min, stirring, until the sauce has become creamy. Next, remove from heat, fold in parsley, crème fraîche and season. Fold the finished sauce into the asparagus sections, sprinkle with onion pieces and a few rings from the onion greens at the beginning, and finally with roasted spring onions and peanuts. Serve with

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