Autumn Salad in Orange Sauce

Rating: 3.63 / 5.00 (16 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the autumn salad in orange sauce, boil the orange juice with raspberry vinegar and olive oil quietly for 10 minutes, season with salt and pepper.

Peel the pumpkin and scrape out the seeds. Peel celery. Defoliate red cabbage, wash and remove thick leaf veins.

Cut or slice vegetables into very fine strips. Wash ruccola and radicchio, spin dry and roughly pluck. Remove chicory stalk, chop leaves into strips.

Coarsely chop hazelnuts and walnuts. Thinly slice Parmesan cheese. Clean mushrooms and cut into thin slices.

Cut the pomegranate in half, remove the seeds and add the juice to the orange salad dressing. Pluck the chervil leaves.

Bring the salad dressing to the boil once. Layer all salad ingredients loosely in a baking dish and drizzle with the salad dressing in between.

Mix everything well, let it stand for a short time and serve the autumn salad in orange sauce!

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