Bacon Bomb Explosion

Rating: 3.71 / 5.00 (45 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



For the Bacon Bomb, cut the bacon with a sharp knife into strips about 6 mm thick. Mix the minced meat with the finely chopped onions, spices and eggs. Grate the cheese.

Weave the bacon strips into a net (does not have to be 100% tight). With our quantity, the net must be two strips wide and one strip long. To do this, weave the strips slightly overlapping each other in width.

Cut what bacon is left into small pieces and marinate well with Bull’s Eye sauce. Spread the meat mixture on the braided bacon net, not pressing it in too much.

Now spread the cheese on top of the mince and spread the chopped and marinated bacon pieces. Drizzle a good dollop of Bull’s Eye over the top and you’re done.

Put the rolled Bacon Bomb Explosion on the grill at indirect heat of about 120 °C for about two hours. Brush with Hela BBQ sauce every half hour. The core temperature should not exceed 70 °C at the end.

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