Baden Aniseed Cakes

Rating: 3.82 / 5.00 (28 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the Baden Aniskräbeli, whisk sugar, water, eggs, lemon juice and zest abrasion together with a pinch of salt in a bain-marie at 40 to 45 ° C until fluffy.

Stir in aniseed and carefully fold in flour in portions. Let rest for 45 minutes.

Form rolls from the dough about the thickness of a finger, cut into 5 cm long pieces, bend and cut the outwardly curved side diagonally 3 to 4 times.

Let rest on a buttered and floured baking sheet at room temperature for one night.

After at least 12 hours, bake at low bottom heat for 15-20 minutes.

Baden Aniskräbeli should be light yellow and stored in a sealed container.

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