Bean Stew with Fennel – *

Rating: 2.83 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



A bean recipe for every taste:

(*) Potaje de habichuelas e hinojo – A bean stew of the gitanos.

Soak white beans in water for one night.

Rinse the fennel thoroughly and chop it. Put on a saucepan with water and cook the fennel.

Drain bean water and cover white beans with water in a second saucepan and cook until tender. Add the fennel and set the fennel water aside.

Heat olive oil in a frying pan, crush half of the whole, unpeeled garlic cloves in a mortar and fry in oil with the tomato. Sprinkle with paprika powder, mix everything together well and add to the stew form.

Later, peel the remaining garlic cloves and crush them with pepper and saffron threads in a mortar and add them to the stew.

Fill the fennel water up to 1 l of liquid (for 4 people), let it boil and cook the long grain rice.

Finally, add the long grain rice to the stew. Season with salt and bring to the table.

(**) The Gitanos use only the small tender leaf sheaths of the fennel that come out of the ground, but you can just as easily use regular sized fennel from the vegetable store.

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