Beet Tartar with Fried Egg Yolk

Rating: 3.07 / 5.00 (30 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


For the sauce:


Puree the cooked beet or alternatively chop finely.

Mix all ingredients except the egg yolks, tempura flour and panko flour well by hand and place in the refrigerator for about 40 minutes.

For the sauce, mix all ingredients in a blender.

Separate the eggs. First, carefully slide the egg yolks onto a plate with some tempura flour. Move the plate in a circle, gently turning the yolks – this will form a thin layer of batter that will protect the yolks.

Make a rather viscous dough by mixing the remaining flour with 2-3 tablespoons of water. Slide the egg yolks one by one into the dough, carefully lift them out with a spoon and roll them in panko flour. Then deep-fry in hot oil at 160-180 °C.

Arrange the beetroot mixture on plates with a dressing ring. Serve garnished with the fried egg yolk and sauce.

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