Black Forest Cherry Cup

Rating: 3.35 / 5.00 (17 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the Black Forest Cherry Cup, pit the cherries and simmer with 2 tablespoons water and 4 tablespoons sugar for about 5 minutes and cool.

Whip the whipped cream until stiff. Fold 300 ml natural yogurt into the whipped cream. Finely puree half of the cherries in a blender, fold into the yogurt cream and season with sugar.

Mix the second half of cherries with cherry liqueur, divide into 4 dessert glasses, then top with cherry cream.

Spread 100 ml of natural yogurt on top. Cut shavings from the dark chocolate and decorate the dessert glasses with them.

Chill the Black Forest cherry cups for one hour and serve.

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