Black Grouse Stained.

Rating: 3.38 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min





An old black grouse is made ready for roasting, rubbed inside and out with salt, densely sprinkled with poked juniper berries and left for 24 hours. After this time the juniper is rubbed off a little bit and the cock is put into the following dressing: 1 small root of celery, parsley, turnip and 1 onion, all together cut into small slices, a few grains of pepper and new spices, 1 bay leaf spice, a little bit of dried truffles or mushrooms are boiled with 3/4 l of red wine and a quarter of a liter of water for 10 minutes, cooled down and poured over the cock. It remains in this pickle for 5 to 6 days, but it must be turned daily. If you want to roast it, take it out of the pickle, peel the skin off the breast, lard it quite thickly with bacon, cover the skin over it repeatedly and also tie thin slices of bacon over it. Then place the black grouse in a pan, baste it with 18 dkg of butter and Ceres, add a few slices of lemon from which the seeds and white peel have been removed and 1 part of the marinade, place it in a hot roasting pan or on the stove with the lid closed and cook it gently (1 1/2 to 2 hours). Let the rest of the marinade boil away and add it to the roast by the spoonful as needed. Then remove the black grouse, carve it and place it in the jars, but in such a way that possible

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