Black Ravioli Stuffed with Lobster

Rating: 3.21 / 5.00 (14 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For The Black Pasta Dough:

For the lobster sauce:

For the filling:



For the black ravioli with lobster, make a pasta dough from the ingredients listed, shape into a ball. Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in a cool place for 1 hour.

Break out the lobster tail, remove the intestines, refrigerate the meat (about 150 g). Clean and chop the carcass well.

Dice the cleaned vegetables for the sauce. Heat oil in a roasting pan, fry carcasses in it. Fry the vegetables for 5 minutes.

Add stock and whipping cream, reduce to half over low heat, strain through a hair sieve, season with salt and season with pepper.

For the filling, finely dice the crawfish meat. Clean the vegetables, dice finely. Also dice the tomatoes. Melt the butter, sauté the vegetables in it for 3 to 4 minutes, add the tomatoes and sauté for 2 minutes. Fry the meat for 1 minute, season with salt and season with pepper.

Mix the filling well and let it cool down.

Roll out pasta dough thinly and cut out 40 serrated circles of 6.5 cm ø. Spread a little filling evenly on half of them, brush the edges with egg white, place remaining dough circles on top and press firmly. Cook in boiling salted water for 6 to 8 minutes.

Cut zucchini lengthwise into 2 mm thick slices, cut them repeatedly in half lengthwise. Heat oil and butter, roast zucchini in it, season with salt and season with pepper. Heat the sauce and blend. Drizzle ravioli and zucchini with browned butter, drape with sauce.

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