Braised Roast Veal with Parsnip Puree and Fried Onions

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (83 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For the veal:

For the parsnip puree:

For the roasted onion:


Season the veal with sea salt and pepper, peel the shallots and garlic. Brown the meat on all sides in a roasting pan with a little clarified butter.

Add shallots, thyme and garlic, continue to fry briefly until shallots begin to color slightly. Set meat aside.

Cut the vanilla pod in half lengthwise, scrape out the pulp and add both to the pot, fry briefly. Deglaze with red wine and reduce by half. Add the veal stock, put the meat back in and braise, covered, in a preheated oven at 160 °C for about 3-4 hours, basting frequently with the gravy.

In the meantime, peel the parsnips and cut into cubes. Slowly heat in the milk and cook until soft. Then add butter, sea salt, pepper and nutmeg and blend for a few minutes to a creamy puree.

Peel onions and cut into fine rings or slice. Roll in the flour and paprika mixture and fry in hot oil at 170-180 °C until golden. Drain on kitchen paper and lightly salt.

Remove finished braised roast from sauce and keep warm. Strain the gravy with shallots and garlic through a fine sieve and reduce a little more until it becomes creamy. If necessary, thicken with a little cornstarch mixed in cold water.

Place parsnip puree in the center of a plate, cut meat into small pieces and place on top of puree. Cover with sauce and sprinkle with the crispy roasts.

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