Breast of Wild Pigeon in Poppy Seed Crêpe with Porcini Mushrooms and Beetroot-Apple Ragout

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Pigeon breast stuffing:

Beet and apple ragout:


Poppy seed crêpes Mix ingredients to a smooth, thin batter. Bake four narrow crêpes in a frying pan of 22 cm ø and cool a little bit. (The mixture is enough for 5-6 crêpes, because usually the first one does not turn out so well.) Pigeon breast stuffing Clean gentlemen’s mushrooms and cut into narrow strips. Rinse and chop chicken liver. Put 8 chive stalks aside, cut the rest into rolls. Sauté mushrooms and poultry liver in 1 tbsp oil, season with salt and pepper and mix with chives. Season the pigeon breasts with salt and pepper, fry briefly on both sides in the remaining oil, cool a little and brush with the honey.

Blanch the chive stalks very briefly in boiling hot water.

Fill one crêpe each with a quarter of the quantity of the men’s mushroom liver, place a half of the pigeon breast on top and form the crêpe into a pouch. Tie carefully with chives. Cook in 90 °C oven for about 35 minutes.

Beet and apple ragout Cut beet and apples into 1 cm cubes. Heat oil and caramelize sugar in it until light brown. Add the beet to the caramel form, sweat, then add the apple cubes and extinguish with the port wine. Cover and simmer for about 10 minutes until the beet is soft. Bind lightly with a little cornflour.

Broccoli and fried potato strips also go well with this dish.

Our tip: Fresh chives are much more aromatic than dried ones!

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