Brischtner Gaeissuppae – Uri

Rating: 3.11 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Brischtner Gaeissuppae: vegetable soup with goat meat from Bristen.

The cuisine of Uri is simple, natural and down-to-earth. The basics of Uri’s food are mainly linked to the fact that the people of Uri were cattle breeders and practiced dairy farming. But via the Gatthard, the culmination of the Romanic and the Germanic culture, a lot of southern originality flowed into the cuisine of Uri: Thus, according to an old site, the people from Uri mix kukuruz, long-grain rice, pasta and even chestnuts with the local products to create original and delicious dishes.

Goats are slaughtered mainly in autumn, and in large numbers, because for the winter almost only the traechtigen animals are fed through. To preserve the meat, goat meat is also salted and air-dried or even smoked.

An absolute specialty in the cuisine of Uri are the air-dried goat and lamb legs, better known as “Gaeisslitli” and “Schaaflitli” respectively.

However, goat meat is very rarely offered in butcher shops. For the following recipe you can therefore also use lamb meat.

The goat meat is put on the fire in hot salted water and cooked at a low temperature. From time to time it must be skimmed. When the meat is cooked, add the vegetables, not too finely chopped, the potatoes and finally the long grain rice.

When the vegetables are cooked, take out the meat.

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