Cabbage Rolls with Vegetable Filling on Yogurt Sauce with Wheat Dalke

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion!

Cabbage rolls: Remove the stem of the white cabbage and blanch the cabbage in salted water. Remove eight beautiful leaves and set aside. Cut the remaining white cabbage into narrow strips and use for the filling. For the vegetable filling, sauté the white cabbage cut into strips, the carrot strips and the onion rings in olive oil. Add bean sprouts and mushrooms, season with salt and pour in vegetable stock. Let it boil briefly, add the tomatoes concassées and spices and remove from the heat. Drain the resulting cabbage juice and set aside for the sauce. Season the crisp vegetables and fold them into the cabbage leaves. Place the cabbage rolls in an ovenproof dish, brush with butter and roast in the oven until golden brown.

Wheat dough: Beat the egg yolks with the cream and a little salt. Add the sparkling wine and mix in the flour. Beat the egg whites and fold them in. Brush the cavities of a dalken pan with clarified butter. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into each cavity and bake for two minutes. Turn the dalken to the other side and bake for another two minutes until golden brown.

Keep the dalken warm. For the garnish, shape bean sprouts and tomates concassées in an ovenproof dish. Salt, cover with butter flakes and heat in the oven.

Yogurt sauce: heat the cabbage juice, season and remove from heat. Mix in the yogurt and blend with a hand blender.

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