Catfish Fillet on Wild Garlic Potato Groestel

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For The Gröstel:

For garnish:


Cut catfish fillet into small portion pieces, season with salt, pepper and juice of one lemon. Mix flour with chopped parsley. For the dumplings, heat a little oil in a shallow frying pan and sauté finely chopped onions. Add the sliced potatoes and roast until golden. Coarsely chop the washed wild garlic and add to the potatoes form, sweat briefly. Add a few drops of water and butter, sauté briefly. Season with marjoram, pepper, salt and caraway. Beat eggs and whisk. In a shallow frying pan, add oil to a height of about 1 cm and heat. Roll fish fillets in flour, pat well and drag through beaten eggs. Immediately place in the frying pan and fry until golden on both sides. Then remove and rub dry with kitchen roll.

Arrange the gröstel on plates, place the catfish fillet on top, garnish with fried wild garlic leaves.

finesse white wine : source : from Orf-freshly cooked Do

Our tip: use a bacon with a strong flavor – this way you will give this dish a special touch!

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