Chestnut Soufflé

Rating: 3.17 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



(*) For a souffle dish of one and a half l capacity, should offer for four people.

The night before cover the dried chestnuts with cold water and stand with the lid closed.

On the day of preparation, cut the vanilla stem in two lengthwise and scrape out the pulp. Put both in a frying pan with milk and sugar and let them boil. Drain the chestnuts and add to the milk.

Gently simmer for twenty minutes. Remove the vanilla stem and cool a little.

Butter the bottom of the souffle dish and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Mash the chestnuts and milk. Separate the eggs. Add one egg yolk at a time to the chestnut mixture.

Beat the egg whites with the baking powder until stiff. Mix a quarter of it into the chestnut mixture and form this again on top of the remaining stiffness. Mix carefully and loosely. Pour into the souffle dish.

Put it in the lower part of the oven at 180 °C and bake for forty minutes.

Test with a wooden skewer: if nothing sticks to the skewer when you pull it out, the souffle is ready.

Dust with powdered sugar and serve on the spot, as it collapses very quickly.

Serve with a fruit salad of grapefruit, apples and bananas.

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