Chicken Liver with Apples

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Peel the apples and remove the core.

Cut 4 rings of about 1/2cm thickness into small pieces, coarsely grate the remaining apples. Remove the skin from the onion and grate it. Clean and finely chop the livers.

Heat a browning tray at 600 watts. Toast the bread slices and divide evenly between two plates.

Melt butter 1 in the dish, pour in the livers and brown for 1 minute at 600 watts. Turn the livers to the other side and finish frying at 600W for 1 minute. Remove from the dish. Sprinkle with salt pepper as well as the thyme. Butter 2 in the dish form.

Put the grated apple and the onion on one half of the plate, and the apple rings on the other half.

Fry everything for 3 min at 600W. Take out the apple slices. Mix the livers with the apple slices and onion. Spread evenly on the sandwiches. Extinguish the roast stock with the apple cider and form with the apple slices on top.

Heat the sandwiches with the livers for a quarter of a minute at 600W.

Preparation time: half an hour Total cooking time: 9 and a quarter minutes.

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