Chicken Lyonnaise with Tomato Compote and Pumpkin Egg Tartlet

Rating: 3.75 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For pumpkin egg roll:

For garnish:


(about 50 min):

Soak the pointed morels, cut them open a little, rinse well and drain. Clean the spring onions and cut into rolls. Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes. Remove peel from ginger and cut off. Season chicken breasts with vanilla salt and pepper, sear briefly on both sides in hot olive oil with thyme sprigs and cook in heated oven at 100 °C until juicy.

Whisk well pumpkin puree with eggs and whipping cream, season with salt and pepper, stir in chives. Turn the bread slices in it on the other side, suck a little and bake in hot olive oil on both sides to the end. In the same frying pan, sauté the spring onions and morels.

Lightly sauté diced tomatoes in hot olive oil, pour tomato juice, add green pepper and ginger, season with salt and pepper. Arrange compote on flat plate.

Cut chicken breast into slices, arrange next to compote and add morels with spring onions on top. Place egg roll next to it and sprinkle with radish sprouts.

(*= sauté a little bit, fry briefly – remark of the creator of the recipe) Explanation of the recipe:

On the occasion of the Berlin International Film Festival, Volle- Kanne chef Armin Rossmeier is recreating recipes from famous films.

Today he is serving a course from the 1st class menu from “Titanic”.

Our tip: It’s best to use fresh herbs for a be

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