Chicken Soule with Salad Bouquet

Rating: 4.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Meanwhile, carefully wash the zucchini, carrot and leek. Separate the carrot and celery from the peel. Cut the greens lengthwise into very small slices or, if necessary, slice them. Steam in a little tap water for about 5 minutes, then rinse with ice cold liquid and drain in a sieve. 3.

Cook the chicken breast fillet in the chicken soup for 5 to 10 minutes on the stove. Remove and let quench with the liquid. Pour the broth through a hair strainer into another saucepan, boil to 500 ml.

Pluck the parsley leaves and basil from the stems. With the pine nuts, olive oil and a pinch each of pepper and iodized salt, finely puree in a hand blender. Cut the chicken breasts into wide strips and coat with the herb mixture.

5.Chop one slice of each of the greens into cubes and set aside.

6. soak gelatine in cold tap water, wring out and make liquid in the hot soup. Fold in vinegar.

7. cover the bottom of a small loaf pan with a tiny bit of stock. Place in the refrigerator until the stock begins to gel.

Layer the vegetable slices alternately and place the chicken breast fillet in the middle. Finally, fill with liquid aspic until the surface is covered. Cover and refrigerate for one night.

Before serving, carefully spread the aspic on a properly precooled plate and cut into slices.

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