Cold Cheese Dog

Rating: 3.69 / 5.00 (16 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)

For box f. of 26 x 11 cm:


Nutritional content for 16 pieces

Soak the gelatin in cold water for about 10 minutes. Put the butter in the blitz chopper form.

Rinse and drain the dill, parsley and basil and pluck the leaves from the stems.

Remove the skin from the garlic clove. Finely mince the garlic, kitchen herbs and butter in a blitz chopper.

Spread a thin layer of this herb butter on both sides of the pumpernickel slices.

Spread the feta cheese through a sieve. Squeeze the gelatin and let it melt in a small saucepan at very low temperature. Remove from the heat and fold in the low-fat curd by the tablespoonful.

Add the feta cheese and pepper and stir until creamy.

Rinse the peppers, cut them in half, remove the seeds and dividers and cut into small cubes.

Spread the loaf pan with plastic wrap so that there is still enough foil to cover. Cut the pumpernickel slices to fit the shape, lining the bottom and sides.

Divide the cheese mixture into 4 portions. Fill each mold with 3 layers of cream cheese, sprinkle each one densely with the diced peppers and cover with the pumpernickel. The top layer should be bread. Press the entire pie firmly together, pinch the foil over the pie, and let the pie rest in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

Turn out the pâté and spread the remaining cheese all around. Rinse the chives, shake dry, cut into fine roll

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