Cold Cucumber Soup with Apple Juice

Rating: 4.50 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Peel cucumber from head to stem, cut in half, remove seeds and cut into fine cubes.

Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds and cut into cubes.

Remove the skin from the garlic and press finely.

Coarsely chop dill.

Clean and finely dice bell bell pepper and green onion.

Mix sour cream with apple juice until smooth, add tomatoes, garlic, cucumber, bell bell pepper, green onion and chopped dill, mix well and season with iodized salt and bell pepper. Place everything together to cool.


Serve the soup in an iced cup or deep plate and garnish with the sprig of dill.

Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can also use frozen ones – these are also characterized by a fresh taste!

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