Coupe Margot De Boer

Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


ForTHE chocolate cream:



The coupe is a fine dessert that is always served in portion glasses. It can, but does not have to be prepared with ice cream. But pretty garnish is important.

Remove the peel from the oranges exactly. The white peel must also be removed. Cut 4 oranges into cubes, the fifth into slices. Put the orange cubes into a deep plate. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of rum. Separate the slices. Pour the rest of the rum on top.

For the chocolate cream, bring milk with vanilla sugar, sugar, salt and coarsely grated chocolate to a boil. Mix cornstarch with egg yolk and a little cold water. Stir into the boiling milk mixture form. Bring to a boil once. Whip egg whites until stiff. Fold in. Loosely fold in hazelnuts, orange zest and nutmeg. Allow cream to cool. Stir occasionally to prevent skin from forming. Divide orange cubes evenly into 4 glasses. Pour chocolate cream on top. Whip whipped cream until stiff. Pour into a piping bag. Pipe one layer on top of each glass. Top each with a drained orange slice. Place another dollop of whipped cream on top of each slice. Sprinkle with crumbled candied violets.

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Tip: Use better chocolate – the better the result will taste!

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