Cumberland Sauce – Hanover

Rating: 5.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Remove white skin from oranges and cut into fine strips, make 15 min in red wine, then cool. Whisk currant jelly with mustard, add orange strips with red wine and season the sauce with salt and juice of one lemon.

Serve with game (especially venison), cold meat and cold pies.

This famous sauce is a local Lower Saxon specialty from “higher circles”. Hanoverian cooks invented it for the court table of Duke Ernst August of Cumberland (1845-1923), son of King George V of Hanover. The duke was apparently luckier with his cooks than with his throne – he was never allowed to ascend it because the Prussians annexed the Kingdom of Hanover.

Our tip: Use your favorite red wine for cooking!

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