Curd Dumplings Hungarian Style

Rating: 2.75 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Mix the curd, 1 cup of sour flour, whipped cream, semolina, egg yolk, 30 gr.

melted butter, 1 good pinch of salt with a hand mixer.

A trick with the water: when it boils: turn off gas, electricity, temperature so that the water is still and it does not disintegrate the precarious fresh dumplings. Only when you have all the dumplings in the water, turn on medium temperature repeatedly. When bubbles appear, turn down the temperature.

The dumplings must cook for about 15 minutes because of semolina and flour. They will become bigger.

During this time, prepare the toppings. These are (yes, all three!):

1) Breadcrumbs browned in the rest of the butter.

2) Stir 2nd cup sour cream with yogurt to make a sauce.

3) Cinnamon sugar.

Take out the cooked dumplings with a sieve spoon, drain them, bring them hot to the table, add the “additives”.

To the dumplings tastes apricot (apricot) compote, perhaps enhanced with a little bit of Barack Palinka.

Tip: Use a normal or light yogurt as needed!

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