Embarkation Relish – Took Prik Long Reua

Rating: 2.86 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


Sweet pork:

Chili paste:


I N F O garnishes – kreuang kiam – can play such an important role in making the dish what it is. The recipe below is an excellent example of this. This recipe comes from the memorial book of a remarkable woman, Chao Chom Sabad, one of the last links to the truly exotic character of Siam. She died in 1983 at the venerable age of 93. She was also the last living wife of King Rama V, who reigned from 1868 to 1910. She had been brought to the royal palace as a very young girl to be taught the finer points of courtly culture. Now her beauty caught Chulalongkorn’s attention, and she married him in 1907 at the age of 17.

At that time, all of the king’s wives and concubines were rarely allowed to leave the harem directly behind the royal palace. Meanwhile, during the oppressively hot months of April and May, when the king and his court left Bangkok to move to Bang Pa In 50 kilometers to the north, on the site next to Ayutthaya, his wives followed him. There it was their duty to entertain the king, but fortunately they were exempt from the strict etiquette of the court. The boat trip could take up to two weeks, traveling by road was rare and not reliable, while the waterway guaranteed safety. The preparations took weeks, and nothing could be forgotten, because that would put the reputation of the royal household in pity.

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