Endive Salad with Potato Dressing – And Chicken Breast Fillet in Honey Marinade

Rating: 3.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Preparation (about 35 min):

Cut the chicken breast into slices, marinate with thyme, orange granules, a little pepper and oil and leave for about an hour. Remove the skin from one potato and cut it into small cubes, blanch it and then fry it briefly in hot olive oil.

Clean the rest of the potatoes, remove the peel and press them through a potato ricer. Stir them through with vegetable soup. Stir in some olive oil and white balsamic vinegar, mustard and sour cream, season with salt and pepper.

Heat some clear soup in hot frying pan, add ham, almost reduce, add honey and juice of one lemon. Fry the chicken breast slices briefly all around in hot olive oil, season with vanilla salt. Dip in the ham-honey marinade form and glaze in it. Briefly sauté half of the cherry tomatoes in hot olive oil.

Remove the outer leaves from the endive, cut out the stem and cut into coarse strips. Rinse lukewarm, drain well and arrange in the center of a plate. Cover the leaf salad with potato dressing, add chicken breast and tomatoes on the outside and garnish with thyme.

Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can also use frozen ones – these also stand out for their fresh taste!

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