Fillet of Gurnard on a Bed of Celery Puree

Rating: 3.14 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)






Peel celery bulb, cut into cubes and cook in whipping cream for about 15 min. Season with salt and pepper and blend with a hand blender. Melt the butter in a saucepan at low temperature and heat for another two minutes. Stir this “clarified” butter (that is, freed from the watery components) into the puree.

Thinly remove the skin from the celery stalks, then cut diagonally into paper-thin slices with a sharp kitchen knife. Form them in boiling salted water for 30 seconds and then quench them in water with ice cubes.

Season the fish fillets with salt, pepper and a little cayenne pepper.

Roast them together with the garlic cloves in a little bit of clarified butter on the skin side for two minutes, then turn to the other side. Then add the culinary herbs and roast for another two min.

Dressing: In the center of the plate place a ring-like shape about 10 cm ø. Put the celery puree in this form and spread it about 1 cm thick. Then remove the ring shape. Cover the puree with slices of celery. Put the fried fish fillet on it. Decorate the fish with the fried herbs and garlic. Decorate the outside with alternating dabs of balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

Drink: Luis Dias recommends a dry Sicilian white wine: “Galici Catarratto un fino” from the Agareno winery.

Tips: * Instead of gurnard you can just as

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