Fried Red Mullet with Guacamole, Chorizofumet and Spiced Tomato

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Gut and scale the red mullet, leaving only the tail fin on. Season the two fillets removed from the bone with salt and pepper, fry them in a coated frying pan in hot olive oil on the skin side until translucent.

Make the gambarettis about 1 min and quench on the spot in iced water. Remove shell and guts. Cut basil leaves into very fine strips, turn gambarettis in it on the other side, season with curry salt and pepper. Sear in hot oil on both sides until hot and short.


100 g chorizo sausage 1 shallot 5 cherry tomatoes 1 red bell pepper 1 piece pecorino 20 ml aquavit 150 ml fish stock 50 ml olive oil salt bell pepper Sauté sausage slices in oil until hot, add shallots, cherry tomatoes and peppers, also sauté, add pecorino pieces, extinguish with aquavit and cook. Add fish stock, gently simmer until peppers are soft. Grind everything finely and strain. Season with salt and pepper and beat with olive oil.


1 avocado, 20 g mango, 2 tw. cilantro, 1 centiliter olive oil, 1 centiliter each lime oil and white balsamic vinegar, 1 tsp each tarragon mustard and pepper, salt, tomato ketchup, sugar.

Roughly dice peeled avocado and mango. Chop cilantro and whisk with olive mustard, tarragon mustard, balsamic vinegar, lime oil and tomato ketchup, mix with fruit cubes, season to taste.

Spiced tomato:

4 cherry tomatoes, 1 sprig each of rosem

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