Fried Smelt with Potatoes and Dill Bacon Sauce

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For The smelts:


If the fishmonger has not already done so, gut the smelt by cutting it open lengthwise on the ventral side from the head and removing the innards from the abdominal cavity. Use scissors to cut off the pelvic fins as well. Now, drizzle the fish with the juice of one lemon.

For the sauce, dice the bacon and peeled onion and chop the dill.

Fry the bacon until it is crispy and the fat comes out. Fry the onion cubes until they are translucent, stir in the creme fraiche and cook for 5 minutes while stirring. Then fold in the finely chopped dill and season to taste with salt and pepper.

While you are making the sauce, cook the peeled potatoes in salted water for about 20 min.

Turn the smelts in flour at the beginning and shake off excess flour. Then drag them through a beaten egg and on the other side turn them in breadcrumbs. Fry the breaded smelts in hot butter until golden brown on both sides.

While the smelts are roasting, season them with salt and pepper in the frying pan.

Our tip: Use a bacon with a strong flavor – this will give this dish a special touch!

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