Fried Tuna Steak with Creamy Spinach

Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)




Rinse the spinach and add to boiling water with plenty of salt. Stir only once briefly so that it collapses. After about twenty seconds, remove and rinse with cold water so that it does not continue to cook. Then squeeze it well and cut it into coarse pieces.

Put the butter in a frying pan, brown until liquid, add the chopped shallots. When the shallots are translucent, add the chopped spinach. Season immediately well with salt and pepper, and add a little nutmeg. All together then simmer on low heat for a few min.

Season the tuna steaks well with salt and pepper. Heat a heavy, solid frying pan (e.g. cast iron) thoroughly. Sear the steak very briefly in oil on both sides, adding a good handful of sesame seeds on the spot so that they can roast. Pour honey on top of the steak so that it caramelizes. Turn. Extinguish with soy sauce and season with chili sauce. Soy and honey give a very spicy flavor. The steak should still be raw inside, so cook everything together as quickly as possible.

Mix the mayo into the spinach very lightly. Then arrange everything together on a plate.

Mayo: Mix egg yolk and mustard with a hand whisk. Gradually add the oil drop by drop. Important: Both should have the same heat, otherwise the amount will curdle! Add the crème fraîche and the juice of one lemon.

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