Gazpacho Ii

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)




Gazpacho is a cold Andalusian vegetable soup. It is a welcome change from all the hot food, especially on hot days. There are many different variations of gazpacho. This one is probably one of the nobler versions, since almond kernels are used to bind it, rather than white bread, as is commonly done.

– This recipe is homemade, so the quantities are less precise -.

Put the almond kernels in boiling water and then remove the skin. Next, finely grate the almond kernels. Put the garlic through the press. Next, put the ingredients for the soup, except the soup as well as the milk, in a blender cup form and whisk to a paste (blender cups are the ones with the sharp kitchen knife at the bottom).

Make up the porridge to a volume of 10 cups with a 1:1 mixture of cold soup and milk. refrigerate for a couple of hours. Pass through a sieve again before serving.

In the meantime, make croutons of the white bread (small cubes of white bread toasted in oil or possibly butter until golden) and chop the remaining ingredients into small cubes.


The well precooled soup on the table, in small dessert bowls in addition the inserts. Now everyone takes some of the soup and adds the ingredients as desired. The best drink is a dry sherry (Tio Pepe) or an honest white wine.

Ingredients for 10 cups **

Our tip: Fresh Schnittla

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