Giuwetsch – Braised Lamb Meat

Rating: 4.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Bulgarian giuvech, like Romanian ghiveci, is a legacy of the long Turkish rule over both countries. Traditionally, this one-pot dish is prepared in a clay pot, or gueveç in Turkish. There are countless variations of this recipe and so it is quite in the spirit of Bulgarian tradition if you modify our recipe and add fresh summer vegetables such as melanzane, tomatoes or peppers to the lamb.

Remove the kidneys from their fat cover. Peel the fine skin from the kidneys and liver. Cook the giblets in a little water and dice them. Remove the skin, connective tissue and sinews from the leg of lamb and cut into 2 cm cubes. Clean the mushrooms with a soft dish rag or a brush, remove the stem ends, cut into slices. Steam the mushrooms in 2 tablespoons of butter for a few minutes. Put half of the meat in a stoneware pot. Mix the mushrooms and giblets and pour over the meat. Season with half of the paprika, salt and pepper and cover with the second half of the meat. Season with paprika, salt and pepper, drizzle sunflower oil or other vegetable oil over it, add remaining butter and steam well covered for 2 ½ hours at 180 °C (convection oven 160 °C ) in heated stove.

Tip: To make the meat even juicier and prevent any of its own juices from evaporating, you can seal the stoneware pot airtight with a dough strand made of flour and water.

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