Grandma’s Chocolate Cake

Rating: 4.50 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



Beat the light butter or butter until creamy. Gradually add the sugar, salt and egg yolks. Beat everything until creamy, the sugar should almost melt.

Cut the chocolate into fine pieces, mix in a baking bowl with baking powder, almond kernels, flour and spices. Add to the butter mixture form and fold in together with the rum. Whip the egg whites to very stiff peaks. At the beginning, fold only half into the dough, then fold in the rest.

Fill the dough into the greased and with flour or breadcrumbs dusted loaf pan (26 cm) and spread smoothly. Bake in the heated oven at 175 degrees (gas: level 2) for about 60 to 70 minutes.

Turn out onto a cooling rack and cool.

Heat the apricot jam and spread through a sieve. Brush the cake with it all around. Melt the chocolate glaze in a water bath. Frost the cake as soon as it has cooled completely.

Stirred. Since the dough contains very little flour, the stiffly beaten snow here gives firmness and the necessary volume. However, you can also fold in the eggs whole. The dough is then relatively liquid, and the cake becomes exceptionally moist.

Tip: Always use aromatic spices to refine your dishes!

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