Gratinated Curd Pancakes

Rating: 4.64 / 5.00 (1278 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 5.0 (servings)


For the pancakes:

For the curd filling:

For the casting:


For the gratinated curd pancakes, first prepare the pancakes. Mix all ingredients for the dough and let rest briefly.

In the meantime, prepare the curd filling. To do this, grate the zest from the untreated lemon. Using a hand mixer, beat the sugar and butter until fluffy, add the egg yolks and continue to mix. Add the lemon zest and also the semolina and curd. Gently fold in the beaten egg whites.

Heat some oil in a pan and fry the pancakes a little at a time.

Grease a large baking dish. Fill the pancakes with the curd filling and place them side by side in the baking dish (either roll the pancakes or fold them into quarters).

Whisk the sour cream with the egg yolks, vanilla bean pulp and a dash of orange juice and combine. Fold in the whipped cream and spread the glaze evenly over the Topfenpalatschinken.

Bake the topped curd pancakes in a preheated oven at 170 °C for approx. 20 minutes and serve while still warm.

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