Ham Dumplings

Rating: 3.85 / 5.00 (85 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 10.0 (servings)

Dumpling mass:



For the ham dumplings, boil potatoes in a steamer insert for about 30 minutes, peel and press through a potato ricer.

Quickly knead flour, semolina, egg and salt into a dough.

For the filling, finely chop onion and garlic, fry in canola oil until translucent.

Cut the smoked turkey breast into fine cubes, add, fry briefly.

Allow the mixture to cool, season with parsley, pepper and paprika powder.

Form the dough into a roll, cut off ten pieces of equal size and form each into small bowls.

Fill in ham mixture and close dumplings.

Let dumplings steep open in lightly boiling salted water until they rise to the surface (about 15 – 20 minutes).

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