How to Make Your Own Curry Powder

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Total time: 45 min



Once you have tasted real Indian curry powder, you will quickly realize that the curry powder generally available in stores is only a very poor substitute compared to the Indian one.

1. make your own curry powder.

2. buy it directly from Indian traders (in case you live in a big city) and make sure it is fresh.

Spices to make curry powder Making curry powder yourself is not as complicated as you might think at first. In most modern kitchens nowadays there are electric machines to make the housewife’s work easier.

A hand mixer, for example, does the job in seconds, whereas the old-fashioned way of pounding spices in a mortar will take you a long time. Be sure to buy the spices from Indian or Chinese stores. Before processing, place the spices on a tray and roast them in a hot stove for several minutes. Next, crush them electrically or in a mortar. It is especially important to note that different spices should never be crushed together, but always one type of spice at a time. Once all the spices are crushed, blend them well. Although curry powder loses much of its cornstarch (maize starch) and fragrance if it gets too old, you can still keep it in an airtight container for at least a couple of weeks.

Tip: Always use aromatic spices to enhance your geric

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