Indian Pumpkin Pockets

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Remove seeds from pumpkin, peel and cut into small cubes (half a centimeter). Peel onion and chop finely Heat oil in coated wok or possibly frying pan, sauté onion for two minutes until translucent, add pumpkin and peas, stir in spices.

Pour in water, add stock cubes. Cook on low heat for ten minutes until vegetables are soft and liquid has almost evaporated. Thicken with cream or Qimiq. Cool down.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Spread two trays with parchment paper.

Roll up puff pastry, roll out a tiny bit, and cut into 12 small squares each. Brush edges with beaten egg. Place a teaspoon of filling in the center and fold squares across the diagonal to enclose filling. Gently press edges together with a fork. Place pockets on baking sheet, brush with egg.

Bake in medium oven for 25 min until golden brown.

This exotic “finger food” from Asian cuisine is totally on trend these days and does exceptionally well at parties.

The pumpkin pockets are made quickly and easily, are easy to prepare and are suitable for freezing. But they are also very tasty the next day. A unit of four pumpkin pockets does not provide a lot of vegetables – half a unit of vegetables for the “5 a day” concept! – but the same spices contain valuable ingredients. Attention. The fat content is quite high for the small unit.

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