Indonesian Vegetable Curry

Rating: 4.17 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



A basic recipe that can be used for all kinds of vegetables, but they should have the same cooking time.

Important: The vegetables should still remain nice and crunchy, not become too soft.

1. finely dice the onion, sauté with ginger and garlic in hot oil.

2. peel the potatoes, cut into 3 cm cubes and steam.

3. remove the stalk from the white cabbage, cut diagonally into 2 cm thin strips and also add.

Fold in the seasoning paste and fry, then gradually extinguish with the coconut milk. Season with sugar, pepper, salt and juice of one lemon. Simmer very gently without a lid on a mild fire for about 20 minutes.

In the meantime, clean the peppers, cut into thin strips and add to the wok for the last 10 minutes. Stir again and again, so that nothing sticks. Still extinguish with a dash of water, in case too much liquid should boil away. The sauce should be pleasantly thick.

Finally, fold in finely chopped spring onions and sprinkle with coriander leaves.

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