Innviertler Kübelspeck Dumplings

Rating: 3.19 / 5.00 (52 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the filling:


Boil the potatoes, let them steam briefly and, if possible, press them through a grating iron while they are still hot. Knead the potato mixture with the egg, flour and salt to a smooth dough and cut out about 15 pieces of the same size with a spoon and press or roll out on a floured surface so that uniform dough flakes are formed. Finely chop the bacon, divide into 15 portions and place each on a piece of dough. Form them into small dumplings, which are then placed in boiling salted water and boiled for about 10 minutes until they rise to the surface.

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