Italian Zucchini Boat with Couscous Deck and Prosciutto Grissini Sail

Rating: 4.93 / 5.00 (1791 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Congratulations to Patrick Stütz who won the 2012 Conte DeCesare Recipe Contest with this creative recipe.

To prepare the zucchini ship first wash the zucchini and cut in half in the middle and remove the core with a spoon. On a baking sheet with baking paper, place the zucchini halves and brush with CONTE DeCESARE Virgin Olive Oil and sprinkle with a little herb salt. Then pre-bake in the preheated oven at about 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.

In the meantime, bring the couscous to the boil with the vegetable soup, loosening it up often with a fork until the water is absorbed, and let it steep for another 5 minutes.

Finely chop the onion and fry it in a pan with some CONTE DeCESARE extra virgin olive oil. Also chop the prosciutto (except for 3 leaves!!) and continue to sauté lightly together with the onion.

In a bowl, combine finished couscous with toasted onion, prosciutto, sliced tomato and diced mozzarella and stir well.

Pour the couscous mixture onto the pre-baked zucchini half and bake for another 15 minutes.

Wrap prosciutto leaves on the slightly shortened grissini sticks and carefully tuck into the finished zucchini dish.

Cut 3 slices from the carrot and spike with a toothpick and tuck into the finished Italian Zucchini Ship with Couscous Deck and Prosciutto Grissini Sail on the Side!

Ship ahoy!

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