Knofel Info + Some Recipe Suggestions

Rating: 2.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



Knofi, nightingale and Uhl at the same time,called both and Knofi, is probably the most controversial seasoning. Sociable people should be careful or use them together. But garlic is healthy, it prolongs life, as the old age of many garlic-loving Balkan people proves. You can vary its use from a clove to a bulb and it will always contribute to aromatic cuisine.

Garlic grows under a white dry skin to 10-12 cloves as a hunchbacked bulb. Recipes thus distinguish between the small, pointed cloves or claws and whole tubers. The cloves are peeled and crushed with a kitchen knife on a little bit of salt and put on a little bit of small, practical garlic press. Sautéed in a little fat and sheer cooked or doused with oil, its “fragrance” is reduced but retains the aroma.

Fresh bulbs are considered the be-all and end-all of garlic cooking. This is because they are more temperate than older ones, which often taste bitter and acrid. Young garlic always has plump, juicy toes. The narrow, tissue paper-like outer skin of the bulb must not have any yellowish-brown spots or possibly fork-garnished shriveled areas. You can determine the intensity of the garlic aroma yourself: If you like garlic power, you should cut the cloves or possibly press them through the press, because whole cloves develop less flavor. By the way: Professional chefs coarsely chop the cloves, whisk them

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