Lemon Cream Pie

Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Biscuit base:



Biscuit base: have dough ingredients ready, grease springform pan base and spread with parchment, dust edges with flour only. Preheat kitchen stove. Whisk egg yolks a little, blanch (scald) with boiling hot water and whisk on the spot for 5 min until strong foam. Add 2/3 of the sugar and whisk for another 5 minutes. Add the baking oil. Make stiff snow from egg whites, add rest of sugar and continue beating briefly until snow is firm. Pour the snow onto the egg yolk mixture (do not stir). Sift flour, pudding powder and baking powder over the top and mix very quickly with a whisk to form a loose, fluffy dough. Baking Directions: Preheat. Lower rack. Baking heat 180 °C . Baking time 40 min

Lemon custard: Take 7 tbsp. full from the 1/2 liter of water to mix the custard powder. Bring the rest of the water with the sugar to the boil, pour in the mixed custard powder, let it boil, remove from the stove. Add to the hot mixture the gelatine, previously soaked and repeatedly squeezed. Stir until completely dissolved. Put the saucepan in cold water and stir frequently to avoid the formation of a skin. In the meantime, add the whole eggs, abger. Mix together lemon zest and juice of one lemon. The butter over low heat until semi-liquid (must look like yellow cream) and cooled while beating hard to the egg mixture form. Should the amount curdle at first, it does no harm,

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