Malakoff Cake

Rating: 3.66 / 5.00 (130 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 14.0 (servings)


Watering hole:



For the cream of the malakoff cake, boil the milk. Mix the egg yolks with the sugar, salt and vanilla pulp. Add the milk and stir over a bain-marie until the cream thickens. Immediately remove from the heat.

Squeeze out the gelatine soaked in cold water and stir into the cream. Now stir the cream over a bain-marie until the cream thickens.

Whip 500 ml of cream until semi-stiff and fold into the cream. For the drink, mix approx. 300 ml milk with 125 ml rum (or amount to taste). Line the bottom of a 26 springform pan with soaked biscuits and place half (soaked) biscuits as a border on the edge of the cake pan.

Now spread one third of the cream on the biscuit base. Layer in an intermediate layer of soaked biscotti and then spread another third of the cream on top. Again layer in soaked biscotti, spread the remaining cream on top and finish with the remaining biscotti (soaked).

It is best to wrap the malakoff cake with plastic wrap and be sure to refrigerate overnight.

The next day, remove the cake ring and start decorating. Whip 500 ml of cream until stiff and spread the cream over the entire cake. Some cream should be saved for piping. Toast the almond flakes in a pan and place them on the edge of the cake.

Divide the biscuits in half and dip in chocolate. Attach to the cake with the help of cream tuffs and sprinkle the resulting

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