Mango Cake with White Chocolate

Rating: 3.67 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)





A simple but delicious cake recipe:

Dough: Peel the carrots, grate. Separate the eggs. Stir citro-bake and yolks until creamy. Whip the egg whites with sugar and salt until stiff. Preheat stove to 175 °C. Fold baking powder, flour, almond kernels with liquid cooled butter and carrots into the egg cream. Pour into a springform pan lined with baking paper. Bake for 50-55 min.

Cream: Soak the gelatin in cold water. Peel the mango, remove the stone. Grind the pulp. Add grated lime zest, squeezed juice, sugar and vanilla sugar. Melt gelatin according to package directions and fold in. Allow to gel slightly. Whip whipped cream until stiff, fold in.


Cut the cooled cake base in half diagonally. Spread the cream evenly on the bottom layer. Place the top cake layer on top. Place the cake in the refrigerator to cool for 3-4 hours. Melt the white cooking chocolate in a water bath. Cover the cake with 2/3 of it. Pour the rest onto a marble slab and set. Decorate the cake with chocolate leaves.

Using a kitchen knife, scrape off pieces of the solidified cooking chocolate and spread evenly over the cake.

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