Mango Souffle

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (10 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Preheat kitchen stove to 200 degrees. Peel the mango, cut the pulp from the core, crush. Measure 150 ml of fruit puree, mix with mango syrup and cornstarch. Leave the rest of the puree to cool.

Whip egg whites until stiff, then add sugar and juice of one lemon. Stir in mango puree. Pour into a small ovenproof dish and bake on the bottom rack for 12 to 15 min until the top is golden. Serve immediately with the cooled fruit puree.

Tips: Also fine: use pureed peaches, blueberries or apricots instead of mango.

Stir 2 tbsp. crushed ice into the cold mango puree for a great hot-cold effect.

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