Mangold Rolls with Vegetable Rice

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (12 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)


Chard stems:


For the chard rolls with vegetable rice, steam the long-grain rice according to package directions.

Clean the bell bell pepper, quarter it and pit it. Place skin side up on a baking sheet and grill under a preheated oven broiler for 8-1o minutes until skin blisters black. Steam peppers in a freezer bag for 5 min, remove and peel. Finely dice bell bell pepper.

Wash chard, cut white stalks from leaves in wedge shape, set stalks aside. Blanch chard leaves in boiling hot salted water for 2-3 minutes and rinse in cold ice water. Drain in a colander.

Peel garlic and chop very finely together with olives. Mix mustard with vinegar, oil, salt, cayenne pepper and pepper. Mix the long grain rice with the garlic, olives, diced peppers and marinade.

Pluck the basil leaves and cut into strips.

Lay out the chard leaves and dry with kitchen paper. Place 1 1/2 tablespoons rice salad and 1 tablespoon basil strips in the center of each leaf. Fold the side edges of the leaves over the filling mixture, press smooth, and roll the chard leaves up like roulades.

Chop the chard stems set aside into 2 cm wide strips. Peel garlic and cut into thin slices. Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté the chard stems in it. Add garlic and fry for 4-5 min with the lid closed. Season with salt, pepper and juice of one lemon.

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