Mäusle – Sage Leaves Fried in Batter

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Stir flour with salt and milk until smooth. Separate egg, stir in egg yolk and oil (1 tsp). Beat egg whites with a little salt until stiff and fold into the dough. Rinse sage leaves and rub dry very well. Heat the oil to 180 °C in a saucepan. It is hot enough when bubbles appear on a wooden spoon dipped in the oil.

Holding the sage leaves by the stems, dip them into the batter and finish baking in batches in the hot oil. Place on paper towels to drain and keep warm until all sage leaves are baked.

Mix cinnamon powder with sugar and sprinkle over the “Mäusle”.


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